As many coaches are looking for tournaments to take their teams and test their girls Queen of the Hill is one to look at. If has some serious competition with many teams coming in from central and northern sections. If you have a hammer or a strong up and comer it’s a tournament to test them at.
That being stated you also have to be aware of Jimmy’s ethics. Note he will generally wrestler 3-5 of his girls below weight classes that they will normally not make weight for. You will see a few of his girls at weight x then never wrestle that weight again during the current season.
Now it’s always been know Jimmy fudges his girls weight when at home or doesn’t weigh them him. This can be verified by asking questions in the community. There are parents and wrestlers that will talk.
Also backing my claim, word is Jimmy will no longer host CIF. Now Jimmy may say it’s time to move one but in reality Southern section made the decision to move on from Jimmy do to complaints they received from last years “no coaches” at weigh ins. I know this cause I was one of many others that filled a complaint. I also know this as I talked with CIF and was informed the issue would be a subject during the off season souther section meeting. I was also informed by CIF that other coaches had concerns and wanted a uniform rule set regarding weigh ins. No interpretation of what is legal and what’s not.
So if Queen of the hill is on your list demand you see Corona weigh in. Protect your wrestlers. Demand integrity.
Note this tournament is ran in paper for a reason.
Tournaments like this can be valuable for growth and development, provided they are run with fairness and integrity, which is not happening any longer, leaving me to know with near certainty every tournament and dual is not corrupted.
About weigh-ins and tournament administration, these are serious issues that require attention. Ensuring the integrity of the sport is critical, as fairness fosters trust and respect among athletes, coaches, and parents and in its current state we are doomed. Protecting the integrity of the sport and the well-being of the athletes, not just certain athletes or certain schools as it is now.
Thank you for highlighting these points.